The farm is used for an example of teaching people the way to farm with nature and without the use of anything artificial! The farm has a policy of letting everything grow naturally, so it’s full potential of growth can be achieved and the crops can become bountiful. Weeds are allowed to grow in order to use them as dried fertilizer when it is time to harvest. All insects are allowed to live on the farm because insects and plants are all part of nature’s cycle. The resulting crops are used to make the meals for the guests or members of suirin, giving them the power of nature and any remaining vegetables are sold at the market. By combining the moving Zen and the physical labor of working on the farm would result in creating physical improvement and mental healing. Not to mention, a personal satisfaction of planting something that will grow without the use of artificial substances.
Vegetable delivery service
Suirin Natural farm was started in 2004. Our vegetables are organic and 100 percent chemical free and is safe and healthy for the body.
the 12 features of the vegetable delievery system
1. Pesticide and agricultural chemical free
2. We harvest the vegetables in the morning and deliver them when they are fresh
3. We garuantee that our vegetables have great flavor and are very high nutritional value and vitamins
4. Our vegetables bathe in the sunshine and are high in energy
5. our fresh vegetables will last a long time and have vitality
6. we produce dried vegetables from our farm and are available at our shop
7. Our vegetables are safe and healthy for the body and are reccomended to those with atopy
8. we work hard on creating our own seeds
9. antibiotics and hormones are not used as well as animal manure so that there are no worries for parasites.
10. we use fermented vegetable residues as our fertilizer and compost.
11.we invite people of all ages to volunteer on our farm and learn together with the students of suirin.
12. We encourage others into natural farming and making the world more close to nature.
About the vegetable delivery service and the fee
* To order the delievery service, you first need a membership registration and an admision fee.
* What will be in the pakage is up to our farm.
* If you registrate in the middle of the year, we will send the rest the next year.
* Information and recipies about the sent vegetables will be sent together.
* If you want to try out our vegetables there is a try out course. For futher information, click the try out course link.
(1) Vegetable S course (¥2,500 Tax encluded)
about 7 to 8 different types of vegetables
For 1~2 people
For 2 people who live together or forone person who wants to indulge in our vegtables delivery course: (once every 2 weeks in total 15 times)
B.weekly delivery course: (once a week in total 30 times
(2)vegetable M course (¥3,500 tax included)
about 9-14 different types of vegetables
for 2~3 people
This course has a variety of vegetables. recommended for a family of three delivery course: (once every 2 weeks in total 15 times)
B.weekly delivery course: (once a week in total 30 times
(3) vegetable L course (¥4,500)
about 12-18 vegetables
for 3~4 people
Recommended for a family of 3 to 4. delivery course: (once every 2 weeks in total 15 times)
B.weekly delivery course: (once a week in total 30 times
Monthly vegetables
Japanese mustard spinach / Mizuna / garland chrysanthemum / pak choy / turnip / leaf lettuce / Santousai / radish / snap peas / soy beans / black beans / dried Japanese radish etc
Zucchini / snap garden peas/ snap peas / pak hcoy / garland chrysanthemum / iceburg lettuce / leaf luttuce / Santousai / Japanese mustard spinach / turnip / green peas / etc
zucchini / Japanese radish / round eggplant / long eggplant / shishito green pepper / green pepper / sweet corn / young corn / celtuce / cucumber / mulukhiya
cucumber / cherry tomato / tomato / long egg plant / round egg plant / japanese radish / onion / shishito green pepper / green pepper / shio leaf / flat kidney beans / corn / mulukhiya
japanese mustard spinach / mizuna / pak choy / tatsoi / garland chrysanthemum / cabbage / iceberg lettuce / japanese radish / spinach / onion / potato / carrot / turnip / burdok
japanese mustard / Mizuna / pak choy / tatsoi / garland chrysanthemum / cabbage / chinese cabbage / burdok / japanese radish / onion / potato / carrot / turnip /
japanese radish / spicy radish / carrot / turnip / potato / burdok / cayenne pepper / onion / chinese / Mizuna / cabbage / soy beans / black beans / adzuki / etc
how to purchase
To register for the vegetable devlivery course, you first need to pay for the admission fee which cost ¥2000.
How to register
through Internet, e-mail, fax and mail you are able to register.
We can only send to those who are living in japan.
For contact
2471-2198 IIZUNA Nagano-shi, Nagano-ken,
380-0888, JAPAN
Phone 026-239-2630 Fax 026-239-2736